How 2

The Keys to Successful Auto Travel in Italy:

  Drive Fast...Wave Your Arms...Look Italian!

Driving in Italy can be Very expensive! Gasoline is around $4 per gallon. The Italian  AutoStrada is a well maintained, high speed tollway.  Tolls are very high between major cities, but excellent time can be made.  (Typical toll charges are approximately 5-Euro for about 100km.)

For best sightseeing along the way, and for lower cost, we suggest the "S" routes.  "S" routes have either 1, 2, or 3 digits following the "S". Normally the fewer the digits the bigger/wider the road...but remember this is Italy and consistency does not exist!  The smallest secondary roads vary greatly in size (width), and are normally indicated by 3 digits.  Confused?


Italian Road "Vocabulary" and Road Signs.

Here is Some Basic Vocabulary you NEED to Know:

Italian Word/Phrase                   English Translation

Uscita                                                         Exit
Entrata                                                       Entrance
Deviazione                                                 Detour
Proibito                                                      Forbidden
Autostrada                                                 4-Lane Highway (toll)
Parcheggio                                                 Parking
Vietato parcheggiare                                 No Parking
Senso Unico                                               One way street
Area Servizio (Successiva)                        Rest/Service stop (next)
Centro                                                         Center of town
Per                                                               in the Direction of (town name)
Sans Plomb                                                 No lead petrol/fuel
ViaCard                                                      Express charge lane at toll booth (credit card)

For sample road signs visit:  RoadSigns

A Few Miscellaneous Points:

* Entrances into major cities are through a "Porto"
   For example: a southern entry into Florence might
   be through the "Porto Romano".

* Speed limits on the Autostrada are 130k and 110k (rain),
   but almost no one goes this slow.  The left lane is for
   passing only, at high cruising as in USA.

* Most restaurants have a "cover" charge for use of the table
   and for bread in some cases.  Typical "Coperto" is 2Euro.
   Never sit in a coffee bar...only tourists do and get charged
   extra for the privilege (cover charge, plus higher cost for
   coffee and pastries - sometimes double).

* Almost all major attractions can be found by going to "Centro".